Release 2.6.5 Added - Show search bar when toolbar is hidden or in overflow [#6279] - Show countdown for clipboard clearing in status bar [#6333] - Command line option to lock all open databases [#6511] - Allow CSV import of bare TOTP secrets [#6211] - Retain file creation time when saving database [#6576] - Set permissions of saved attachments to be private to the current user [#6363] - OPVault: Use Text instead of Name for attribute names [#6334] Changed - Reports: Allow resizing of reports columns [#6435] - Reports: Toggle showing expired entries [#6534] - Save Always on Top setting [#6236] - Password generator can exclude additional lookalike characters (6/G, 8/B) [#6196] Fixed - Allow setting MSI properties in unattended install [#6196] - Update MainWindow minimum size to enable smaller verticle space [#6196] - Use application font size when setting default or monospace fonts [#6332] - Fix notes not clearing in entry preview panel in some cases [#6481] - macOS: Correct window activation when restoring from tray [#6575] - macOS: Better handling of minimize after unlock when using browser integration [#6338] - Linux: Start after the system tray is available on LXQt [#6216] - Linux: Allow selection of modal dialogs on X11 in Auto-Type [#6204] - KeeShare: prevent crash when file extension is missing [#6174]