Release 2.4.1 - Fix database deletion when using unsafe saves to a different file system [#2889] - Fix opening databases with legacy key files that contain '/' [#2872] - Fix opening database files from the command line [#2919] - Fix crash when editing master key [#2836] - Fix multiple issues with apply button behavior [#2947] - Fix issues on application startup (tab order, --pw-stdin, etc.) [#2830] - Fix building without WITH_XC_KEESHARE - Fix reference entry coloring on macOS dark mode [#2984] - Hide window when performing entry auto-type on macOS [#2969] - Improve UX of update checker; reduce checks to every 7 days [#2968] - KeeShare improvements [#2946, #2978, #2824] - Re-enable Ctrl+C to copy password from search box [#2947] - Add KeePassXC-Browser integration for Brave browser [#2933] - SSH Agent: Re-Add keys on database unlock [#2982] - SSH Agent: Only remove keys on app exit if they are removed on lock [#2985] - CLI: Add --no-password option [#2708] - CLI: Improve database extraction to XML [#2698] - CLI: Don't call mandb on build [#2774] - CLI: Add debug info [#2714] - Improve support for Snap theming [#2832] - Add support for building on Haiku OS [#2859] - Ctrl+PgDn now goes to the next tab and Ctrl+PgUp to the previous - Fix compiling on GCC 5 / Xenial [#2990] - Add .gitrev output to tarball for third-party builds [#2970] - Add WITH_XC_UPDATECHECK compile flag to toggle the update checker [#2968]